San Francisco Workplace Retaliation Lawyer

What’s Workplace Retaliation?
It’s been the subject of many award-winning films, such as “North Country” and “Silkwood.” And people are starting to realize just how prevalent it still is. Certain subjects are hitting the news cycle more frequently than others these days; one of these commonly mentioned topics is workplace retaliation. Whether you’re in San Francisco or Santa Fe, workplace relation can create a very hostile environment. Unfortunately, much of the American public is woefully uneducated when it comes to assessing what is—and what isn’t—workplace retaliation. For instance, people tend to confuse workplace harassment with workplace retaliation. Although harassment and retaliation often occur in tandem, the definition of workplace retaliation is very specific.
Any good workplace retaliation lawyer will tell you that retaliation is what happens when an employer punishes an employee for taking an action that is protected by the law. This could mean that an employee is punished for being a whistleblower or even just making a small complaint. Unfortunately, over the years, many employers and managers have gotten away with retaliatory behavior. Those who have managed to successfully argue these cases usually work with an excellent workplace retaliation lawyer who knows the ropes.
Have I Been the Victim of Workplace Retaliation?
Workplace retaliation can occur in a multitude of ways. In fact, people who are retaliated against at work may not even realize what has happened to them. Indeed, workplace retaliation can be incredibly insidious, creeping in on a company in a way that no one could have possibly imagined. If you’ve made a complaint and then found that suddenly you’re no longer invited to an important weekly meeting, for example, there’s certainly a possibility that your supervisor is retaliating against you. Workplace retaliation can be as simple as being denied access to an important shared document or being left off of an email that you usually receive. These are quite subtle examples, so it’s essential for you to carefully document your experiences to provide as much information as possible to your workplace retaliation attorney. The more documents, voicemails and other details you can gather, the better armed you’ll be in case you get a shot at settling your case or bringing it to court.
Although workplace retaliation is often subtle, there are many extreme cases in which people are fired or experience even worse retaliation. The movies “North Country” and “Silkwood,” for instance, are both based on real-life stories. In these instances, women faced real physical danger for letting their voices be heard. At most workplaces, it might be more common to be ignored when it comes time for promotions or pay increases. Suddenly, you may find that your name is no longer on the schedule for a given timeframe, cutting down your hours significantly. You might be given a different job with responsibilities that don’t line up with your interests, as your supervisor may be hoping that you’ll quit of your own accord. You may be fired, or you may receive anonymous online messages threatening you.
What Are the Workplace Retaliation Stats in the Real World?
Although workplaces have been warned, it does not appear that this is a problem that is going away anytime soon. From Sarasota to San Francisco, many companies are still infected with retaliation. In 2017 alone, over 41,000 retaliation reports were filed with the EEOC. It’s a staggering number, and it’s a considerable increase from just two decades prior. In 1997, less than 20,000 retaliation reports were filed, meaning that the amount of these cases has doubled in only 20 years—and those are just the cases that have been reported.
With workplace retaliation on the rise like this, it’s important for every employee to know that the law protects them. In a challenging economy, managers and companies may feel pressured to take the law into their own hands; a good workplace retaliation attorney will prevent them from getting away with it. It is illegal for businesses to retaliate against you because of a complaint; it doesn’t matter whether they believe the complaint is warranted or not. You are protected under the law.
Do I Need to Hire a Workplace Retaliation Lawyer?
If you’re asking this question, then the chances are that you should. For the moment, don’t worry about costs. Most attorneys provide a free consultation. Once you describe your concern and they assess your situation, they will often let you know whether or not you could have a case. This means that there is no downside to just reaching out and having a lawyer look at the specifics of your potential case. In a world where so many cases like this go unreported, you owe it to yourself to get some legal representation and move forward with your life. Contact us today for your free consultation.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.
A Review of Rizio Lipinsky Heiting
Workplace Retaliation Lawyer

I was the victim of harassment at my place of work, based on my same sex relationship and my status as a gay male. I was taunted, called names, humiliated in front of co-workers by my supervisors and manager. When I told my H.R rep and district H.R they did nothing. The last straw was when my H.R and supervisor started telling the general workforce about my sexual status and if they've ever seen me in any lude acts. That's when I took legal acting against the company. Daren was recommend to me by a friend, so i looked him up and read his profile. I was looking for a lawyer who had experience in labor relations, sexual harassment and harassment based on sexual orientation and he fit the bill.
From our first meeting, he made me feel comfortable discussing the full details of what was happening to me at work. He took notes and kept me composed during every meeting we had. He gave me realistic time frames for what was to come moving forward. Standing up to my harassers was not easy but Daren assured me that I was making things better for myself and others.
Fast forward several months.... Litigation time. He prepared me about the environment we were about to enter. I was extremely nervous and excited at the same time. I wanted to tell the "Big Brown company" I have worked for and still do what they've done to me and how wrong they were to treat me and many others like me that way. So they had the TEAM of lawyers and the district H.R manger on one side and Daren and I on the other. Daren's words were sharp, clear and to the point. To make a long story short, we came to a very fare settlement. I did not loose any wages and still had my job which I've held for 17 yrs.
In the end I left really good for what I've done and I owe it all to Daren, for taking my case, knowing the law and caring for peoples rights in today's society.