Evaluating Collisions That Defective Parts Have Caused – How Our Experts Can Help Motorists Who Have Been Injured by Automotive Collisions

If a vehicle’s defective components caused a collision that injured a motorist, our specialists can determine the condition of each faulty component, examine flawed designs that decreased a product’s durability, consider other reports that evaluate defective parts on commercial vehicles, predict the future costs of medical care and study guidelines that could have reduced the likelihood of injuries. When providing services for injured clients, our lawyers regularly examine faulty brakes, tires that have caused collisions, airbags that did not protect motorists and components that can affect the performance of an automobile’s suspension system.
Leaks That Reduce the Level of Brake Fluid in a Master Cylinder
When a commercial vehicle’s brake lines leak, our specialists can study the design of the brake lines, the materials that the components contain, factors that could have reduced the durability of the materials and reports that describe the same types of brake lines. Furthermore, we will evaluate the functionality of the master cylinder, which is connected to the brake lines, and we might determine the condition of the connectors that secure the brake lines.
Defective Tires That Can Augment the Risk of a Collision
After studying defective parts on commercial vehicles, numerous organizations have indicated that faulty tires may have caused more than 6 percent of the automotive collisions that occurred during the last five years. If defective tires precipitated a collision, our lawyers can estimate the thickness of the treads and the durability of the sides of each tire. Additionally, we could extensively evaluate other reports that describe similar tires, and consequently, our experts may analyze recalls that the manufacturer has issued, reviews that other drivers have created, flaws that reduce the quality of certain tires and the load that each tire can handle.
Components That Could Lower Oil Pressure
When a commercial vehicle’s engine becomes excessively worn, mechanics should determine the oil pressure within the motor, and the flow of oil can be controlled by the oil pump and multiple sensors that examine the speed of the moving liquid. When an oil pump does not deliver sufficient levels of oil, the engine’s components will not be sufficiently lubricated, and consequently, the motor could eventually seize. If a faulty component has damaged a commercial vehicle’s engine, our lawyers can determine the costs of repairs, evaluate other parts that were damaged, study the condition of each sensor that controls the component and create a report that describes the insufficient oil pressure.
Examining a Steering System
Multiple surveys have suggested that a defective steering system may quadruple the risk of an accident. When a steering system directly causes a collision, our specialists can obtain statements from numerous witnesses who may describe the movements of the vehicles that collided, the number of automobiles that were situated near the car that caused the collision, noises that are associated with a defective suspension system and the speed of each vehicle. Moreover, we may evaluate the condition of each component that could cause a vehicle to gradually drift into numerous lanes.
Managing a Case
Our experts can offer extensive consultations for motorists who have been injured. When you would like to contact a caring lawyer who can help an injured driver, you may call 888-292-8888. You may also use our online contact form to get in touch with us 24 hours a day.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.