San Bernardino Religious
Discrimination Attorney

The United States was created around the idea that people should be able to practice any religion they want to without being persecuted. Unfortunately, we are still trying to live up to this ideal. Even though your employer should not discriminate against employees based on their religious beliefs, this problem is surprisingly common. If you think that you have been discriminated against because of your faith, a religious discrimination lawyer can help you determine the best course of action for your case.
What Is Religious Discrimination?
Like other forms of discrimination, religious discrimination is against the law. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) states that religious discrimination is when an employee is treated unfairly because of their religious beliefs. The employee can practice any religion or belief to qualify for legal protection because all personal beliefs are treated the same under the law.
It is also against the law to harass someone because of their religion. Harassment may involve offensive remarks. To count as harassment, these remarks must occur often enough to make a hostile work environment. Religious discrimination and harassment may also occur based on the religion of your spouse instead of just your religion.
According to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, job segregation is against the law based on someone’s religion. For example, your employer is not allowed to place you in a position that is away from customers just because they fear how clients may respond. The law also requires your employer to make reasonable accommodations for your religion, like allowing a flexible schedule or job reassignments.
It is against the law for an employer to discriminate based on your religion. An employer may not hire or fire someone according to their religious beliefs. They may not give someone better job assignments, promotions, fringe benefits, or training opportunities because of their religion. If you think that you have lost a promotion or received punishment because of your beliefs, a religious discrimination attorney can help you seek justice.
How Do You Know If You Are a Victim of Religious Discrimination?
Title VII applies to federal, state, and local governments, so you are protected under the law if you work for a government employer. Any private employers with 15 or more employees are also subject to the law. In addition, the law applies to management committees, public employment agencies, labor organizations, and private employment agencies. As long as you work for an employer who is covered by the law, you are protected from religious discrimination. Many states provide protections for employees at small businesses as well.
Your religious discrimination lawyer can discuss the specifics of your case to determine if you can sue your employer. If you are a San Bernardino resident, you are protected from discrimination as well. You can practice an organized religion like Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, or Hinduism. The law also protects you if you have sincerely held ethical beliefs. You can even be protected from discrimination as an atheist.
Who Can Sue for Religious Discrimination?
You can sue for religious discrimination if you have been discriminated against or harassed because of your religious beliefs. When a boss makes a hostile work environment or denies a promotion because of your beliefs, you could have a case against them. If you have experienced any of the following situations, you may want to talk to a religious discrimination attorney about filing a case against your employer.
- Your boss refuses to give you a flexible schedule for religious purposes.
- You were hired, fired, promoted, or denied a raise based on your beliefs.
- You were told that you could not wear religious garb because of the dress code.
How to Prevent Religious Discrimination in the Workplace
Ideally, employers in San Bernardino will work to prevent religious discrimination instead of getting taken to court over discrimination cases. As an employer, managers can reduce the chances of having discriminatory employment decisions by writing down objective criteria for evaluating candidates for promotions or new positions. Then, these criteria must be applied to all candidates.
Employers should ask every candidate the same questions during interviews and carefully document the reasons behind their business decisions. If a management decision requires subjective judgment, managers should receive training and be encouraged to ask for advice from their mentors. Employers should also publicize their anti-harassment policy so that managers and employees know what type of behavior is not allowed.
Religious expression should be allowed just like personal expression is allowed among employees. If managers learn that an employee has been subjected to discrimination, it is essential for the employer to end the conduct in question. When the behavior was carried out by a non-employee like a contractor, the supervisor should arrange a meeting with the contractor to discuss the problem and demand for it to stop. If they think it is necessary, the supervisor may also ask the contractor to take disciplinary action.
Employees should also take steps to prevent discrimination. If an employee is the subject of discrimination, they should tell the person that they want those behaviors to stop. The employee can report the individual’s conduct to their supervisor if the behavior does not stop. Often, employees can also go to the human resources department or a supervisor to discuss discriminatory behaviors or harassment.
Why Should You Hire a Religious Discrimination Lawyer?
While it can be hard to discuss sensitive issues like discrimination and harassment in the workplace, a religious discrimination attorney can help your case. In California, you can recover lost wages as well as compensation for your pain and suffering. Because your lawyer is paid on a contingency basis, you do not have to worry about spending money on upfront costs.
If you believe that your employer has discriminated against you because of your religious beliefs, you can talk to a lawyer about what to do next. In California, you can file a charge of religious discrimination with the EEOC within 300 days of the discriminatory act. Your lawyer can help you prepare the appropriate documents for your EEOC claim. Afterward, you can get help preparing your court case. Through the legal team at Rizio Lipinsky Heiting, you can get the support you need. Contact us today to schedule a free, confidential consultation.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.
Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - San Bernardino