San Bernardino Burn Injury Lawyer

If you are looking for a San Bernardino Burn Injury Lawyer you have come to the right place. The burn Injury Lawyers at Rizio Lipinsky Heiting Heiting Heiting Law Firm are some of the best lawyers in all of California. Whether you suffered from a chemical burn at work or became injured following a kitchen fire, burn injuries can occur for a variety of different reasons. No matter what caused the burns, your injury can lead to lost wages, expensive medical bills, and other costs. With the help of a burn injury lawyer, you can get the just compensation you deserve.
Kinds of Burn Injuries
Unfortunately, there are many kinds of burns San Bernardino residents can suffer from. While open flames are the most common form of burn injury, you can also become injured through things like radiation, chemical, electrical, or thermal burns. Friction and cold burns can also happen. Click here for information on FEMA assistance.
Radiation sources like the sun, X-rays, and radiation therapy can lead to radiation burns. Chemical burns occur because of acids, detergents, and solvents. Meanwhile, thermal burns happen because touching a hot object causes the temperature of your skin to increase so much that your cells begin dying. An electrical burn can happen because of physical contact with any electrical current.
You can develop a friction burn because a hard object rubs off some of your skin. This often happens during motorcycle accidents. Finally, a cold burn is also known as frostbite. Your skin becomes damaged because it has was frozen.
All of these burns are grouped according to how extensive the damage is. You can get a first-degree to fourth-degree burn. With a first-degree burn, only the outer layer of the skin is damaged. This kind of burn may happen from a mild sunburn. It is so minor that it does not even cause blisters to form.
A second-degree burn is the next level up in severity. It affects the outer layer and the dermis of the skin. With a second-degree burn, your skin turns bright red and swollen. It will hurt to touch the burn, and you will notice blisters.
With a third-degree burn, two full layers of your skin become damaged. This means that your skin may look white, black, yellow, or brown instead of red. Because the nerve endings have been so severely damaged, you will not feel the burn anymore.
Fourth-degree burns are the most severe form. These life-threatening burns require immediate medical attention because they destroy all of the layers of your skin. They also destroy your muscles, bones, and tendons.
Statistics About Burn Injuries
Each year, an estimated 1.1 million Americans suffer from some form of burn injury that necessitates medical attention. An estimated 20,000 people will have burns that cover 25 percent of their body’s surface as more. In total, 50,000 burn victims are hospitalized per year. Ultimately, 10,000 people will die because of a burn-related infection. Another 4,500 people will die directly because of their injury.
The Cause and Effects
San Bernardino residents can end up with a burn injury for many different reasons. Chemical burns can occur because of poor safety measures at work or chemical spills. While radiation burns can happen because of an enjoyable weekend at the beach, they can also occur because of a broken X-ray machine.
Sometimes, people become burned because of the negligence of an employer, property owner, or another individual. For example, a boss may not have the right safety procedures and training courses set up for their employees. If you become injured by something a reasonable employer would have prevented, a burn injury lawyer may be able to help your case.
Burns can occur because of dry heat like a fire or wet heat like hot liquids and steam. Friction, radiation, electricity, chemicals, the sun, and heated objects can all cause burns to occur. If you come into contact with hot metals, steam, flame, or scalding liquids, you can also develop a burn.
Once you get burned, you can develop symptoms like blisters, peeling skin, pain, and redness. The pain you feel is not actually in correlation to the severity of the burn because fourth-degree burns can be painless. You may also develop symptoms like swelling, white skin, shock, or charred skin.
After your initial treatment, you can still suffer from lasting effects. Burn pain is known as one of the most prolonged, intense forms of pain. You may need ongoing medical care for cleaning and dressing your wounds. Since burns can cause extensive damage to your bones, organs, and deep skin tissues, you may require surgery, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. In severe cases, you may also need lifelong, assisted care. Emotional support groups can help you deal with the emotional side of your recovery.
Dealing with long-term injuries and side effects can be challenging, but there are support groups and treatment programs that can help. Unfortunately, most of these programs cost money. If you are suffering from lost wages or medical bills because of your injury, a burn injury attorney may be able to help.
How a Burn Injury Lawyer Can Help You Recover
A burn injury attorney can help if someone is at fault for your injury. For example, your attorney can help you compile evidence and interview witnesses if you suffered from your injury at work. With a skilled attorney, you can prepare your legal case, document evidence, and learn what to expect from the entire process.
If you are struggling with the lasting repercussions of a burn injury, you are not alone. A skilled burn injury attorney can help you determine the next steps in your case as you seek compensation for your damages. To find out how an attorney can help you, contact the lawyers at Rizio Lipinsky Heiting today to get a free consultation.
Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - San Bernardino