Riverside Wrongful Termination Attorney

What Is Wrongful Termination?
It’s a phrase we hear in the news a lot, but very few people actually know what wrongful termination is. In fact, many misuse the term. But whether you’re in Riverside or Rialto, keep in mind that this illegal practice can take place anywhere. And, in fact, you will find that legality is the most important issue when considering whether or not you have a wrongful termination case on your hands. You may not have left a company under ideal circumstances, but was the law actually broken? Were you fired due to your religion, a disability, gender, sexual orientation or ethnic background? In the past, people have won lawsuits when they’ve been fired for any of the above reasons. However, whistleblowers are also protected under the law. Anyone who reports unsafe or otherwise illegal practices to government, city or state agencies is also protected from firing based solely on the action they’ve taken. Another example of wrongful termination is breaking an employment contract.
Wrongful Termination Statistics
Within recent years, wrongful termination claims appear to have been climbing. In 2017 alone, a stunning 84,254 charges were filed with the EEOC (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Of those, approximately one-third were filed for race, and a little less than one-third were filed due to sex discrimination. National origin cases hovered just below 10%, while religion was responsible for a bit more than 4% of the claims. Color was the charge in 3.8% of the cases, while age discrimination came it at a whopping 21.8% and disability hovered at 31.9%. The Equal Pay Act was cited in 1.2%. The most shocking figure, however, may be for retaliation. In almost half of all these cases, retaliation was mentioned as part of the charge. This reminds us of just how widespread it can be for employers to strike back in illegal ways after an employee has reported inappropriate behavior or otherwise spoken out about unfair practices.
Was I Wrongfully Terminated from My Job?
When you’re trying to assess whether or not you were wrongfully terminated, it is imperative that you speak with a wrongful termination attorney who can guide you. There are many instances in which termination may not have occurred under the best circumstances but is not necessarily illegal. When you speak to a wrongful termination lawyer, they will be able to go over your documentation and other records. Once they have carefully perused the particulars of your specific situation, they will be able to render an assessment as to the possible legitimacy of your claim in a courtroom or mediation arena. Indeed, speaking to the right wrongful termination attorney can make all of the difference. If you’re on the fence about proceeding, reaching out to such an attorney will certainly do you no harm. There have been many cases in which plaintiffs have not truly realized the breadth and depth of the discrimination occurring against them. When in doubt, you must reach out to a wrongful termination lawyer.
What Should I Do If I’m a Victim of Wrongful Termination?
When you suspect that you’ve been the victim of wrongful termination in Riverside or anywhere else in the country, it’s imperative that you do not act rashly. Making a scene at work, badgering your boss or discussing your situation with co-workers will do nothing to strengthen your claim. Most people can see red flags before they actually receive the pink slip, so collecting emails and other proof of the discrimination may become essential to your case. Carefully document everything you see and hear that pertains to your case. Companies such as Forensic Notes will authenticate your documents by time-stamping them, so bear this in mind. Any old voicemails or other evidence should be carefully cataloged so that you can present it to your attorney at the appropriate time.
Do I Need to Hire a Wrongful Termination Lawyer?
Wrongful termination cases are often complex and involve high stakes. If you do not hire an attorney that works in this field, then you cannot expect to achieve optimal results. Remember that it’s your career—and your life—on the line. You do not want to trust your claim to just anyone, and you do not want to attempt to handle this situation on your own. Chances are that the company responsible for terminating you boasts a legal department or access to lawyers that specialize in this arena. The last thing you want to do is drop the ball before you ever receive what is rightly yours. By consulting with a wrongful termination attorney, which is often free, you will put yourself at an advantage. With so much to lose—and to gain—it is crucial that you put your case in the hands of someone knowledgeable and efficient. Contact Rizio Lipinsky Heiting today for your free consultation.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.
A Review of Rizio Lipinsky Heiting
Wrongful Termination Attorney

I was scared and nervous about suing someone. However, Daren told me to trust him and leave the worrying to him. He promised to take care of me and to get me everything that I deserved. He honestly cared about me and my family. He worked very hard to get me the compensation that I deserved after the wrongs had been done to me. When I felt that I might be asking him stupid questions he said that "No question is stupid". I felt very comfortable talking to him and he was very good at listening. I am so grateful for his services , he changed my life for the better. Also, something very important to note: he went up against a huge company for me and they had a team of very experienced lawyers. Even so, he fought for me and got me so much more than I expected. Thank you Daren, from the bottom of my heart! God bless you!!!!!!!

Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - Riverside

Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - Riverside