Riverside Slip and Fall Lawyers

Are you curious about how our Riverside slip and fall lawyers can help, if you or someone you know is injured in a slip and fall accident in Riverside? If so, you are in the right place.
The following information has been prepared by our Riverside slip and fall accident attorneys to help answer the most commonly asked questions.
For starters, if you have suffered a slip and fall injury, you could be entitled to compensation to cover your losses. These accidents can occur at any time, and property owners and store owners are often to blame because they don’t always uphold their duty of care to keep their properties and parking lots safe.
These types of slip and fall cases are more common than you might have realized. Riverside slip and fall attorneys sometimes refer to these cases as slip and fall claims, or trip and fall claims. And other times they may be referred to as “dangerous conditions of public property” or “premises liability claims.” That is because these personal injury cases are subject to the portion of the United States and California laws known as premises liability laws.
However, you need to know what steps to take and how to respond in a way that will enhance your chances of getting the compensation you need and deserve through an injury claim. Even if you’re unsure of whether you have a valid case, speaking with a Riverside personal injury attorney is a smart move.
You may already know that personal injury lawyers help people injured in car accidents. But you might know that personal injury law firms also help slip and fall victims.
With an experienced Riverside slip and fall injury lawyer at your side, you can move forward with confidence. You will know that you are going down the right path to get compensated for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
What to Do After a Slip-And-Fall Accident
Knowing what steps you should take after a slip-and-fall accident will optimize your chances of building a solid case. Some people decide not to seek medical attention if they don’t feel much pain. But following in their footsteps would be a mistake.
You won’t always notice your injury right away, but it does not mean you are safe. You could cause additional damage to your injury if you don’t get medical attention. But not seeing a doctor right away can also make it hard to form a case.
If you can safely do so, use your phone (or ask a family member) to take pictures of anything that contributed to your fall, such as wet or uneven floors. You will also want to inform the property owner of the incident and request a copy of any internal reports. Don’t forget to speak with witnesses, getting their contact information in case you need it later.
Rather than giving details, only mention that you fell and got hurt because the property owner can try to use your words against you if your case goes to court. If you don’t want to harm your case, avoid posting about your accident on social media. Before you speak with the insurance companies, contact a Riverside slip and fall injury attorney for advice and guidance.
The Statistics of Slip and Fall Injuries
Reviewing slip-and-fall facts will give you a clear picture of how serious these accidents are. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, most workplace accidents involve slip-and-fall incidents, which cause 15 percent of accidental deaths.
While some people picture falling off a ladder or roof when they think of slip-and-fall accidents, that is not usually the case. In fact, 60 percent of elevated falls occur less than 10 feet above the ground. Up to 30 percent of slip-and-fall victims will suffer serious injuries that can cause lasting pain and prevent them from reporting to work.
In addition to helping you get funds to cover your medical bills and other expenses, taking legal action after you experience an accident will encourage property owners to make their floors, parking areas, and stores safe.
Injury Types
Slip-and-fall victims can face a range of injuries of which you will want to be aware. When they fall, people can experience fractures and broken bones, but that is only the start.
Depending on the situation, you could even face spinal injury or traumatic brain injury that can affect you for the rest of your life. Even if you only get minor injuries, you will still need to get X-rays and speak with a medical professional so that you will know the extent of the damage.
If you suffer serious injuries as a result of a slip and fall, you will face expensive medical bills and ongoing therapy if you want any hope of getting back on your feet. In the worst cases, slip-and-fall accidents can even cause wrongful death or permanent disabilities, and you should never deal with those problems alone.
Additional Complications
Once the initial pain has subsided and they have gotten treatment, victims often uncover other complications they had not considered. For example, your injury might prevent you from working and cause you to lose your source of income, and your insurance might not cover everything.
Keeping up with your bills and other financial obligations can become next to impossible if you don’t take action. If your injuries stop you from enjoying your favorite hobbies or living your life to the fullest, ask your Riverside slip and fall lawyer about your options.
Why You Need a Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer in Riverside County
When it comes to personal injury lawsuits, you will need to start a legal battle with an insurance company or business that has legal experience and a team of lawyers. The other side will try to trick you into making mistakes that will ruin your case, or they might offer an unfair settlement.
Even worse, the property owner may also try hiding evidence from you (such as security camera footage) that would prove helpful to your case.
Do not assume that a negligent property owner in Southern California has your best interests. You need legal representation with years of experience in helping accident victims succeed in their slip and fall claim, so they can more than adequately pay for their medical expenses.
Enlisting an expert slip and fall accident attorney in Riverside will give you the best possible chance of getting enough money to cover your expenses so that you won’t need to worry about your finances.
If you have suffered an injury and you are ready to seek justice, we invite you to call a slip and fall attorney at Rizio Lipinsky Heiting Heiting Heiting for a free, no-pressure consultation and an explanation of your legal rights. The legal team at Rizio Lipinsky Heiting will review each detail of your slip and fall case, and will craft a viable personal injury claim to get you maximum compensation.
We have law offices conveniently located in Riverside and San Bernardino to meet with you and discuss your case. Or you can fill out our online form to start your free consultation. We work on a contingency fee basis. This means you pay nothing until we win your personal injury lawsuit.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.
A Review of Rizio Lipinsky Heiting
Riverside Slip and Fall Lawyer

Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - Riverside

Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - Riverside