Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

It’s the dog days of summer, and your family is spending Saturday afternoon at the local water park, trying to stay cool. It looks as if everyone else in town has the same idea since the lines are unusually long. When you finally reach the top of the slide platform, you wait until the lifeguard gives you the signal before pushing off on your tube. Just as you come to the first turn in the water tunnel, you hear a shriek from behind you and receive a jarring blow to your back and neck. You realize another slider has hit you as you black out. When you wake up in the emergency room, you cannot move your lower body. The attending doctor explains you have suffered a catastrophic injury to your spinal column.
The Basics of Catastrophic Injury
Strictly speaking, this type of injury permanently prevents you from earning a living in your career field. A catastrophic injury changes your life, often permanently. It happens without warning, causing such severe damage that you will never be able to return to your normal activities. Unlike a broken arm or a sprained ankle, from which you stand a good chance of complete recovery, a catastrophic injury will always be with you. Examples of catastrophic trauma include:
- Head injury causing brain damage
- Spinal cord injury causing paralysis
- Severe burns
- Traumatic amputation
- Organ damage
- Any other injury causing permanent disability
If you or a loved one experience a catastrophic injury, the financial fallout is likely to be nearly as severe as the physical and mental consequences. You should retain a catastrophic injury lawyer as soon as possible, certainly before considering any offer of settlement.
The Cost of Catastrophic Injury
Although many Americans have catastrophic health insurance coverage, the truth is that your actual expenses would quickly exceed your insurance cap. In fact, your long-term medical care, behavioral therapy, physical therapy and other essential services following a catastrophic injury could exceed your health care coverage by hundreds of thousands of dollars. To make matters worse, your earning ability is severely impaired or nonexistent after your accident. The stakes are high, both physically and financially.
The average cost of traumatic amputation over the life of an individual patient runs in the neighborhood of $500,000, according to a study published by the National Institutes for Health, while lifetime costs associated with severe burn injuries can potentially surpass $1 million. Your real economic burden depends upon the nature of your injury, the degree of your disability and any associated complications, but it will most likely be staggering.
Top Causes of Extreme Injuries
The single leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and non-combat traumatic amputations is motor vehicle accidents. Other common causes include falls and blunt force trauma. If you believe your injury is due to the negligence or intentional actions of somebody else, you are entitled to financial compensation. A catastrophic injury lawyer is essential in obtaining the full damage award you are legally entitled to.
Your Legal Advocate in California
At Rizio Lipinsky Heiting of California, we understand your future depends upon financial compensation following a catastrophic injury, and we put our legal knowledge, experience and proven track record on the line to fight for the compensation you are due. Call us now at 888-292-8888 to schedule your initial no-cost strategy session, or complete and submit our online contact form today.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.