Orange County Premises Liability Lawyer

What do movie stars Sharon Stone and Demi Moore have in common? While their respective choices in acting roles have been very different, the two women share something else in common; they both have been involved in legal cases that centered upon premises liability. In Stone’s case, a speaker installer came to her property to set up some new speakers back in 2006. He fell in her backyard and then claimed that his accident was due to Stone’s negligence for failing to warn him about a drop-off in the yard. In the end, the plaintiff was awarded over $200,000 for his injuries.
In Demi Moore’s case, neither she nor her family were in town at the time of the incident. Her assistant threw a party at her home, and one of the attendees of the party tragically drowned in her swimming pool. In their complaint, the deceased man’s family argued that Moore should have installed depth markers to indicate how deep her pool was in specific areas, as well as removing nearby rocks that could become potential hazards for those walking around the pool. Eventually, Moore reached a settlement with the plaintiffs, the terms of which do not appear to be public.
What Is Premises Liability?
As you can see in the above cases, premises liability can be applied to a multitude of different cases. The basic tenet is that owners must keep their properties safe and free of defects that could cause injury if guests are to come over. They are required to warn people of potential hazards if they exist. If the proper protocol is not followed, then property owners may be held responsible in the case of an unfortunate event that happens on their property.
If warnings have been issued by the owner, then the topic of comparative negligence will enter the equation. This can complicate matters even more, and certain percentages of the fault may be assigned to each party. These cases can often be highly subjective when presented in front of judges and juries; after all, what seems to be common sense to another person can feel completely foreign to another. Whether you’ve been injured on someone’s property or you are a homeowner seeking to protect your property, there’s never been a better time to consult with an Orange County premises liability lawyer.
Types of Injuries
As you can see in the examples above, the types of injuries can vary widely in these cases. Everything from a sprained ankle to even death can occur. This is why it is so critical to talk to an Orange County premises liability lawyer who has dealt with these challenging types of cases in the past. Slip and fall accidents are very common, especially in restaurants and grocery stores, and uneven concrete has caused many unfortunate injuries.
When you speak with an Orange County premises liability lawyer, they will be able to advise you as to whether or not your claim appears if it could be relevant in the eyes of the law. From there, they will inform you as to what your next steps should be. They may decide to take on the case and go through the discovery process, which entails an in-depth, thorough investigation of the specifics. Because these cases are often more complicated than others, this may require a decent amount of time investment. If you are in doubt as to whether your case would stand on firm ground, it’s always a good idea to reach out to an attorney and discuss it with them. Many times, the average layperson is not able to discern what makes a solid premises liability case; this is not the time to consult friends and neighbors on their opinions concerning your accident. Speaking to a qualified attorney will put you in the best possible position moving forward.
Proving Liability: Why Should I Hire An Attorney?
In most cases, you will be dealing with people or entities who possess more power than you. Whether you’ve experienced an accident on an individual’s property or you’ve been injured on a plot of land owned by a corporation, you are the only person looking out for yourself. If you do not speak to an attorney, then chances are very good that your case will go nowhere in a hurry. After all, insurance companies are in the business of protecting their clients and ensuring that payouts are kept at a minimum. As the victim, your needs are not going to be prioritized unless you demand that they are. Meeting with an attorney is an excellent first step towards ensuring that you receive everything to which you are entitled. Please call Rizio Lipinsky Heiting for a free consultation, or use the form below to contact us today.
- This article should only be used for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice, and it does not create an attorney-client relationship with anyone. If you need legal advice, please consult an attorney in your community.
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