Orange County Construction Accident Attorney

Each day, construction workers in Orange County and across the United States face serious job-related hazards. Federal statistics show that the construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries in America, accounting for over 20% of all worker deaths nationwide each year. Many construction-related injuries and fatalities are the result of negligent contracting companies that have insufficient safety standards. Some accidents are also the result of negligent architects, equipment manufacturers, or third-party entities. In such cases, a construction accident attorney could fight for a worker’s rights and do everything possible to hold the responsible parties accountable.
How Common Are Construction Injuries?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were around 10.3 million American workers employed in the construction industry in 2016. Meanwhile, there were a total of 4,693 workplace fatalities across all industries that year. Of those deaths, 991, or 21%, occurred in the construction industry.
The overall U.S. fatality rate for those employed in the construction industry is currently around six deaths per 100,000 full-time workers. In comparison, the U.S. fatality rate for all industries is approximately 2.2 deaths per 100,000 full-time workers.
In 2015, there were 71,730 nonfatal injuries in the construction industry, according to the National Safety Council. Of those, back injuries were the most common, accounting for 11,690 of all reported injuries.
Finally, a report by the California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health found that 309 construction workers were killed in work-related accidents in California between 2013 and 2017, making construction the state’s second-deadliest profession, behind only trade, transportation, and utilities.
What Are the Most Common Types of Construction Accidents?
Statistics from the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration show that most construction-related fatalities fall into four categories, which are known as the “Fatal Four” within the industry. These categories include falls, being struck by an object, electrocution, and being caught in or between objects.
If the construction industry could eliminate these four dangers, OSHA contends that over 630 worker lives could be saved every year. Specifically, the agency estimates that increased safety standards could prevent:
- 384 deaths from falls
- 93 deaths from being struck by an object
- 82 deaths from electrocution
- 72 fatalities from being caught in or between objects
In addition to the “Fatal Four,” other common types of deadly construction accidents include:
- Chemical exposure
- Burns
- Crane accidents
- Trench collapses
- Motor vehicle accidents
Meanwhile, safety experts say the most common types of nonfatal construction injuries include:
- Back injuries
- Hand injuries
- Injuries to the lower limbs
What Are the Legal Remedies Available To Injured Construction Workers?
In many states, including California, injured workers are covered under their employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. In most construction accident cases, a worker cannot sue his or her employer after accepting workers’ compensation benefits, which include wage replacement payments and medical coverage. However, if a third party was involved in the accident, a worker might be entitled to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for additional damages.
Because construction accident cases frequently involve complex liability issues, it might be helpful for injured workers to consult with an experienced construction accident attorney. The attorney could review the case, identify the responsible parties, and recommend the most appropriate course of legal action.
What To Do If You Are Injured In A Construction Accident
Suffering a workplace injury can be scary and stressful. However, there are several things injured construction workers can do in the immediate aftermath of an accident to protect their rights and ensure they get the compensation they deserve.
Report the accident. In order for workers to be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits, their injuries must be reported to their employer.
Seek medical treatment. Workers should always see a doctor as soon as possible after an injury occurs. Not only does prompt medical intervention improve medical outcomes, but it also provides an important paper trail for workers’ compensation benefits and other legal claims.
Document the incident. Workers should write down everything they can remember about the accident. If possible, they should also take photos or videos of the scene.
Contact a construction accident lawyer. Legal professionals can review the information provided by the injured worker and further investigate the case, gathering necessary police reports, medical records, company safety records, and more.
How Can A Construction Accident Lawyer Help?
Construction accident cases can be complicated, confusing, and time-consuming. An Orange County construction accident lawyer could sort through the red tape and help an injured worker get the compensation he or she deserves. In many cases, this will involve pushing for the maximum amount of workers’ compensation benefits possible. However, in others, it may include fighting for a worker’s rights in court.
If you are struggling with the lasting repercussions of an injury suffered on the job at a construction site , you are not alone. A skilled injury attorney can help you determine the next steps in your case as you seek compensation for your damages. To find out how an attorney can help you, contact the lawyers at Rizio Lipinsky Heiting today to get a free consultation.
Rizio Lipinsky Heiting - Orange County